Version: 2.0.0
Local process image in delivery state
The process image of the BX and BCxx50 series consists of input, output and flag areas. In addition, there
are unallocated data without fixed address. They are created without specifying an address. For these
variable types the memory allocation is as follows:
• BCxx50 48 kbyte,
• BC9x20 128 kbyte,
• BXxx00 256 kbyte.
For the allocated data 2048 bytes of input data and 2048 bytes of output data are available. In the default
configuration, i.e. in delivery state of the BX5200/BC5250, all connected Bus Terminals are assigned a fixed
address. The data for DeviceNet communication are to be found from the address offset 1000dec. The
amount of DeviceNet data in the default configuration is 8 bytes.
Bus Terminal %IB0 ...
Bus Terminal %QB0 ...
DeviceNet DATA (PLC variables) %IB1000 ...
DeviceNet DATA (PLC variables) %QB1000 ...
... %IB2047 maximal
... %QB2047 maximal
The maximum number of data via the fieldbus is 128 bytes inputs and outputs for the BC5250 and 256 bytes
inputs and outputs for the BX5200.
DeviceNet data
BX process image
polling mode
If you want to use additional data or another mode, then use the TwinCAT configuration or the library for the
default configuration.
Addressing of the connected Bus Terminals
The default setting is for all the connected Bus Terminals to be assigned to the local process image.
Mapping within the Bus Terminal Controller is carried out according to the following rule:
First come all the complex Bus Terminals, in whatever sequence they are physically inserted, followed by the
digital Bus Terminals which are padded to a whole byte. The default mapping of the complex Bus Terminals
• complete evaluation
• Intel format
• Word alignment
Bus Terminal Controller: 1 x BX5200 or BC5250
Position 1: 1 x KL1012
Position 2: 1 x KL1104
Position 3: 1 x KL2012
Position 4: 1 x KL2034
Position 5: 1 x KL1502
Position 6: 1 x KL3002
Position 7: 1 x KL4002
Position 8: 1 x KL6001
Position 9: 1 x KL9010