Processing speed:
400 mhz processor
128 mB flash memory
high-contrast, extremely low reflection 4.3-inch
TfT touch screen with 24-bit color depth, 16.7 million
colors, automatic display switching (real day/night design),
driving simulation and automatic brightness e.g. when
driving through a tunnel
Voice output
through high-quality wideband loudspeakers
(w x h x D) 5’’ x 3.2’’ x 0.8’’
(126 mm x 81 mm x 20,8 mm)
7.1 oz (202 g)
Becker Traffic Assist:
The finest in portable navigation.
> h1 201 961 1390 · [email protected] ·
Scope of delivery:
universal mounting
system for easy installation in vehicle,
free real time traffic antenna connection,
uSB cable for pc connection,
power cable for cigarette lighter
external GpS connector, headphones jack,
connection cable for cigarette lighter (12 v/24 v),
multifunctional connection for docking station
mini-/standard uSB 2.0 interface,
charging function via uSB interface or cigarette lighter
SD card slot:
2 GB SD card (operational)
adjustable mood lamp (red, blue or off),
integrated GpS antenna, hyper-sensitive Sirf iii GpS
receiver, universal mounting system, Demo-mode
> performance
> connections/misceLLaneoUs
> DeLiVerY pacKaGe
> naViGation
This information and technical specifications are subject to change without notice.
Technical Data – Becker Traffic Assist 7827
Display formats:
JpG, Bmp, pnG, Gif
picture viewer, slideshow
> pictUre VieWer
> mp3-/ViDeo-pLaYer
Compression formats:
mp3, mpeG
elapsed track time, directories,
iD-3 tags (title and artist)
Special feature:
mp3 sound and video player
via SD card and uSB flash drive. Simultaneous
navigation and music listening
Destination entry:
convenient destination entry via alphabet and selection list, entry/selection via touch screen;
entry of postal code, street address, intersections, rest areas and geo-coordinates
Special destinations:
airports, hospitals, service stations, train stations, hotels, restaurants, sports stadiums, and many more
Point of Interest along the way:
automatic selection of the next poi on the calculated route, e.g. gas stations and rest areas
Destination memory:
up to 100 fixed/last destinations
Route info:
arrival time, destination address, intermediate destination address, remaining travel time
Route calculation modes:
with or without freeways, toll roads, ferries
Route selection:
fastest route, shortest route, best route, scenic route
Route calculation:
can be selected according to profiles (normal car, fast car, slow car, truck, motorcycle, bicycle, pedestrian)
Route navigation:
country-specific announcements with choice of languages (uSa, Belgium, czech republic, Denmark,
Germany, Great Britain, finland, france, Greece, italy, the netherlands, norway, poland, portugal, Spain, Sweden and Turkey)
navTeQ (regular updates available from Becker software service)
Database includes maps for the following countries:
united States (including aK, hi), canada and puerto rico
Speed Limit:
graphic display of legal speed limits, audio warning signal when limit is exceeded (adjustable)
choice of map/bird‘s eye view/zoom function, point of interest icons (special destinations), Tunnel simulation
route simulation, country-specific information at border crossings
Free real time traffic:
dynamic route guidance with free real time traffic.
access to free real time traffic information whether route guidance on/off.
Lane info:
lane assistance (guidance for recommended lane)
A Series of Innovations.
110–230 V charging unit
Docking station for easier vehicle installation:
Stereo out, telephone mute, power supply
Attractive TMC loop antenna
> optionaL
reality view
lane info
picture viewer
mp3 player
video player
> featUres
eTc – easy-to-control menu navigation by “BecKer uSer inTerface”
Automatic On/Off:
unit turns on and off with ignition switch (vehicles with switched cigarette lighter only)
Reality View
(Junction Zoom)
Route planning
with intermediate destinations and arrival times for each destination
Separate volume control
with mute function
Real day/night design