SAR-DF 517
DV 77513.03 Issue 4 09/2006
Page 3-1
Important basic adjustments
In order to achieve best use of the direction finder, the user is able to perform several adjustments of
configuration. These adjustments can be set up in the edit-menu (display: page 5).
The most important adjustments are:
Mounting (adjustment of hanging or standing mounting)
External (remote) dimming of display
Description of these points see chapter (Operating/ edit menu)
Operating the direction finder is very simple with the clearly arranged layout. With the exception of the
upper page rotary switch and the ON/OFF push button, the function of the operating elements
depends on the active page. All relevant adjustments can be controlled on the display.
3.2.1. Power-On procedure / selection of operating mode
When switching on the unit (and only then) the operating mode can be selected by the means of the
PAGE-rotary switch. There is the choice between emergency mode, with fixed preselected emergency
frequencies and training mode. The training mode is characterized by freely selectable training
frequencies instead of preadjusted emergency frequencies. (See also bearing mode / frequency).
Fig. 3-1 Selection of working mode at power on of the unit