Becker Avionics
Warning and Failure Indications
DV17551.03 Issue 03 June 2020
3.10 Warning and Failure Indications
Display Contents Description
"WAIT" screen during start-up.
Normally maximum 5 s in view then next message.
"TEST" screen during Initiated Built-In-Test (IBIT).
"FAILURE" is shown when ANTENNA VSWR error is detected.
Possible reasons:
Disconnected or defected antenna cable or defect antenna.
HW or SW failure inside the controller.
HW or SW failure inside the transceiver.
Contact maintenance shop for assistance.
"FAILURE" is shown when heatsink temperature e85 °C (TX HOT error).
Transceiver is still operable. Performance of transmitter is reduced.
"FAILURE" goes out of view when heatsink temperature decreases to less
+75 °C
Possible reasons:
Very hot environmental temperature, long transmissions times and
insufficient airflow conditions.
"FAILURE" is shown when heatsink temperature e95 °C
(TX OVERTEMP error).
Transceiver is operable only in receive mode. Transmission is blocked.
"FAILURE" goes out of view when heatsink temperature decreases to less
+85 °C
Possible reasons:
Very hot environmental temperature, long transmissions times and
insufficient airflow conditions.
"FAILURE" is shown after 30 s of continued transmission (STUCK PTT Error).
The transceiver changes to receive mode even if the PTT line is still active
"FAILURE" goes out of view after push of any key or rotary encoder button
and is shown again after 5 s with no action.
"FAILURE" goes out of view permanently when PTT line becomes inactive
Possible reasons:
Transmission lasts more than 30 seconds.
PTT-key is stuck.
PTT line permanently grounded (short circuit in installation).