Maintenance and Inspection
As with all precision equipment, it is
necessary to periodically test the posi-
tioner to ensure optimum performance.
We recommend the following proce-
dure once a year.
1. Shut off supply pressure and bleed
down at positioner. Note the set-
tings of the variable orifices and re-
move them from the orifice assem-
bly. Clean them thoroughly and re-
install using new o-rings, being sure
to install each orifice in the same
hole from which it was removed (the
orifice and block have matching
numbers for this purpose). Reset
orifices to original settings. Turn on
supply pressure.
2. Apply a midrange signal to the posi-
tioner. Allow the control valve to be-
come stationary at about 50% of the
range. Close the cylinder block
valves or move the MCV-3 handle to
the manual position. The positioner
is now isolated from the cylinder.
Apply a ± ¼ PSIG signal change.
Observe the response in the output
gauges. The output pressure
should develop differential pressure
equal to 20% of the power gas pres-
sure. If the output pressure does
not show immediate response, the
positioner may have too much dead-
band. Reduce the deadband by
turning the drum in the direction of
decreasing numbers. If the pres-
sures do not respond in the correct
direction when reversing the instru-
ment signal change, the unit has in-
ternal friction. Disassemble the unit
and replace all rubber goods.
3. Check the integrity of the balanced
3. (Cont.) Check the integrity of the
balanced valve seats by increasing
the dead band by 1 full number.
When the cylinder top and bottom
gages are equal to the power gas,
the exhaust port should not exhibit
any bleed gas. If either of these
tests fail, then the positioner is not
properly adjusted or the unit needs
to be reassembled with new rubber
4. Soap test around all diaphragm in-
terfaces, orifice assemblies and
vents. If any leaks are found around
the diaphragms, refer to the assem-
bly instructions for replacement of
all internal rubber parts.
5. Observe the operation of the
gauges. If any gauges are defective,
replace them.
6. Check range and bias. If neces-
sary, readjust per Adjustment Pro-
Should problems arise or more infor-
mation is required, call toll free (800)
323-8844 for assistance
HPP-5 Positioner
Maintenance and Inspection
September 1999