Air craft wi ring
The air craft wi ring of the trans pon der is shown in Fig. 2-5 and Fig.2-6.
The trans pon der an ten na shall be in stal led in such a way that
in ter fe ren ce to ot her RF sys tems is pro hi bi ted. Espe ci al ly,
dis tan ces to ac ti ve an ten na sys tems such as ADF an ten nas
shall be high as pos si ble.
The trans pon der supp ly li nes should not be loo med to get her
with ot her equip ment looms. In add ti on, care must be ta ken
to avoid run ning all trans pon der wi ring in the clo se vi ci ni ty of
ADF or ot her pul se equip ment looms.
For in stal la tions in a more se ve re elec tro mag ne ti cal en vi ron-
ment, use shiel ded ca ble con nec tors (re fer to ac ces so ries)
and a com mon shiel ding for the trans pon der in ter wi ring.
RF con nec tor ATC 5401-1R-(01)
The RF con nec tor is of the TNC fe ma le type. The an ten na ca ble shall be of RG
58C/U or RG 223/U type.
Pin Name
Pin Des crip ti on
Sour ce
Des ti na ti on
re com men ded
line type
An ten na
5 0
TNC an ten na c o n -
nec tor, fe m a l e
bi-drectional to the
an ten na
bi-drectional to the
an ten na
RG58C/U or
ATC 5401-1R
Page 2-2
March 15/2004
Содержание ATC 5401-1R-01
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Страница 8: ...BLANK INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ATC 5401 1R TOC Page 2 34 50 15 March 15 2004 ...
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Страница 31: ...Fig 2 3 Installation dimensions 1A032 INSTALLATION AND OPERATION ATC 5401 1R Page 2 9 34 50 15 March 15 2004 ...
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