By briefly pressing the "MODE" button in the time settings, you can confirm the
entry and proceed to the next option. In this way, you can change and customise
the following settings in the sequence mentioned below:
• Year
Day/month sequence
Language setting
To set the day on the display. The following
codes can be configured and selected using the "UP" and "DOWN"
buttons: GE (German), DA (Danish), SP (Spanish), DU (Dutch), FR
(French), IT (Italian), EN (English)
Time zone
Note: If you set the time zone, for example, to + 01
and the weather station is actuated using the DCF-signal, then the
clock displays one hour later than the DCF-signal.
12/24-hours display
°C / °F
Weather forecast
The weather station calculates a weather
forecast based on changes in the air pressure. Since data regard
ing changes in air pressure is not available when the device is
switched on for the first time, the weather forecast at this time is
incidental. The weather station will be able to calculate a forecast
only after a couple of days. To do this, select a forecast using the
"UP" and "DOWN" buttons. It is best to select a forecast from the
current weather report.
8.1 Outdoor sensor temperature alarm
When the outdoor temperature is low, or in the range of -1°C to 3°C, the frost
alarm is activated and a snowflake symbol is shown on the display. If the tempe
rature is out of measurement range, the display shows "LL.L" if the temperature is
too low and "HH.H" if the temperature is too high.