Step 5 - Optimizing signal quality ...
Congratulations ...
You can now connect to your service provider's network. Follow the
login instructions that they provided.
If this installation process was not successful, see the
BRU-150 Operation
for instructions on solving problems.
What the SIGNAL STRENGTH lights mean
There are three SIGNAL STRENGTH lights on
the front panel of the Transceiver. They work
together as a signal strength meter. A low
level signal will illuminate the bottom light.
Then, as the signal gets higher, the middle
light illuminates, then the top light illuminates.
You may also notice that each SIGNAL STRENGTH light
can appear dim or bright. This is used to display a
more detailed level of signal quality.
Each light will be dim at the lowest signal level that the
light can display; and it will be bright at the highest
level for that light.
So, the lowest signal the Transceiver can detect will
cause the bottom light to illuminate dim. As the signal
becomes stronger, the brightness of the bottom light
increases. Then the middle light illuminates dim, and
the brightness cycle repeats, leading to the top light
illuminating with the highest signal.
Linking is now complete, but you may be
able to improve signal quality by adjusting
the antenna.
To adjust the antenna ...
The antenna can rotate inside the
brackets that are attached to the window.
The SIGNAL STRENGTH lights respond to
a change in signal within one second.
Rotate the antenna slowly in one direction
and then the other direction while
observing the lights.
Leave the antenna in the position that
illuminates the most lights.
Obtaining the highest signal level
You may be able to improve the quality
of the signal by adjusting the antenna.
If you have only the bottom SIGNAL STRENGTH light
illuminated, you have established a reliable wireless
connection for internet service. But you may notice
improved speed if you can adjust the antenna to achieve
two lights illuminated.
If you have two SIGNAL STRENGTH lights illuminated,
adjusting the antenna will not noticeably improve your
broadband service. At your option, you can adjust the
antenna to try and illuminate the top light.