2-2. During the flight
1. We strongly recommend you to spend time in practicing the helicopter simulation program
before you fly the real model.
This will get you confidence and will significantly reduce the cost of repair.
Keep practicing the simulation program and that will accelerate your learning curve.
2. If you face any problem during the flight, force the heli down straight away.
3. If there is other helis in the airfield, you are advised not to fly at the same time.
But if you really want to, make sure to check the radio frequencies to prevent interfering.
4. In case there are people or animals in the airfield, a flyer should pay special attention to
these objects coming to him or the helicopter as the flyer usually occupy himself in the
flying only.
2-3. After the flight
1. Conduct a through inspection on the helicopter to insure no parts have come loose
or become damaged during the flight.
2. Check the temperature of motor and battery.
If they are too hot to touch, something goes wrong.
In this case, you should find the problem and fix it before the next flying.
3. Disconnect the battery from the speed controller.
If you leave the battery connected overnight, this will seriously damage the battery.
4. When the helicopter has crashed, inspect, in particular, main rotors, tail rotors, main mast,
tail shaft, the flybar, and the feathering shaft.
If any part is damaged, it must be replaced with a new part.
Do not try to repair damaged or broken parts with glue.
The parts in the helicopter are under high stress due to vibration.
If parts fail during the flight, this will lead to a loss of control that is highly dangerous.