BC-3GM User Manual
Page 36 of 39
[Picture7.13: Predefine SMS messages]
If you would like to send the predefined SMS 10, the data of the BC3GM.S
MS.Write.Message tag will be filled with a null-terminated string “10” (BC3G
M.SMS.Write.Message[0] = ‘1’, BC3GM.SMS.Write.Message[1] = ‘0’, BC3GM.S
MS.Write.Message[2] = ‘$00’)
[Picture7.14: Send predefine SMS messages]
Send English SMS text using EtherNet/IP
If you would like to send an English SMS message directly, please write the
message content into the BC3GM.SMS.Write.Message tag and set the
tagBC3GM.SMS.Write.Message_Byte_Count as the SMS message length.
Set CONTROL.WIRTE_SMS as 1, message will be sent to targeted cellphone.