BDDF00412 Issue 4
BD Alaris™ neXus CC Syringe Pumps
Technical Data
Occlusion Accuracy
Without pressure disc (% of full scale)*
approx . 50mmHg
approx . 300mmHg
approx . 500mmHg
approx . 1000mmHg
Temp . 23°C
With pressure disc (% of full scale)*
Temp . 23°C
Temp . 5°C to 40°C
* Using most common 50ml syringes under normal conditions (95% confidence / 95% of Pumps) .
System Accuracy
Pump Specification
• Derating – Temperature ±0 .5% (5 to 40ºC), High Rates ±2 .0% (rates > syringe volume/h e .g . >50ml/h in a 50ml
syringe .)
• System accuracy is ±2% typical by volume as measured using the trumpet curve test method
defined in EN/IEC 60601-2-24 at rates of 1 .0ml/h (23ºC) and above when the Pump is used with
the recommended syringes .
• Infusion volume accuracy may be compromised at rates below 1 .0ml/h . Differences in factors such
as size and plunger force in recognised syringes can cause variations in accuracy and trumpet
curves . See also ‘Trumpet Curves and Start-Up Curves’ section in this manual .
Data Set Specification
A maximum of 30 profiles can be set, with a total number of 3000 drugs per data set . See
BD Alaris™ neXus Editor
Software Directions For Use
for more details .
Electrical Classification
Class I product . Continuous Mode Operation, Transportable
Battery Specifications
Rechargeable sealed NiMH . Automatically charges when the Pump is connected to AC power .
Mean Time To Power Down from fully charged at 5ml/h and 23 ± 2°C under normal conditions is 6 hours .*
Mean Time To Power Down from fully charged at 5ml/h and 23 ± 2°C, Wi-Fi ON, is 4 hours .
*95% lower confidence interval of 5 hours 50 minutes .
Charging takes 2½ hours from discharge to 90% charge .