Operating Instructions
Figure G
Signal search path with one searcher
(slide wider than 40 meters).
Signal search path with multiple searchers
(slide wider than 40 meters).
If the slide is wider than 40 meters and there is no last seen point, cover
the entire slide area by using switchbacks in the search pattern (Figure G).
If multiple rescuers are available, establish a search pattern where the
space between searchers is no more than 40 meters and the distance to
the edges is no more than 20 meters.
Prior to the signal search, be sure that all transceivers are turned to search
mode. Rotate the Tracker slowly on the horizontal plane (Figure H) while
moving along your signal search pattern. While searching, be aware of
other physical clues, such as equipment or extremities protruding from the
snow surface. When no signal is detected, “SE” will flash in the distance
indicator. Once a signal is detected consistently, mark this spot and begin
the coarse search.