Tx500 Telemetry Transmitter Installation Handbook Rev-02 3 of 8
Camera selection:
The camera select keys are located on the top left hand side of the keyboard numbered
1 to 8. Operating the appropriate key will display the selected camera. A text overlay
showing the camera number will appear at the bottom left hand corner of the monitor.
Sequential switching:
Operating the sequence keyswitch is located at the bottom left hand side of the
keypad switches between all cameras for a preselected period of time.
The text display will show: SEQ and the displayed camera number. To cancel the
sequential mode manually select any camera.
Cameras may be removed from the sequence by holding down the sequence key and
operating the camera key which is not required in the sequence. Repeating this
operation will return the camera to sequential switching.
Holding down the sequence key will confirm the number of cameras selected by
displaying each camera for one second intervals.
Note: Camera one may not be removed from the sequence.
Pan and tilt control:
The 4 diamond shaped keys located on the right hand side of the keypad control the
left, right, up and down movement of the pan and tilt head. Diagonal movement may
be achieved by the simultaneous operation of a pan key and a tilt key.
Lens control:
The 6 keys controlling lens functions are located on the right hand side of the keypad
adjacent to the pan and tilt keys.
Lens operation:
All lens controls provide a coarse and fine adjustment. Holding a key down drives the
lens motors at maximum speed. Slow speed operation for fine adjustment is achieved
by operating the appropriate key repeatedly for less than one second.
Iris control:
The upper iris key opens the iris to provide a brighter picture. The lower key closes
the iris and darkens the picture.
NOTE. This feature is inoperative on cameras fitted with automatic iris lenses without
an override facility.
Focus control:
The upper key is used to focus the lens on distant objects. The lower key is for
focusing on objects in the foreground.