Please read the instruction manual carefully before use.
Veuillez lire attentivement le manuel d’instructions avant
Lea atentamente el manual de instrucciones antes de usar.
Leggere attentamente il manuale d’istruzioni prima dell’uso.
Vor Gebrauch bitte die Bedienungsanleitung sorgfältig
Leia o manual de instruções com atenção antes de utilizar.
Filter-Free Nasal Aspirator
Aspirateur nasal sans filtre
Aspirador nasal sin filtros
Aspiratore nasale senza filtro
Filterfreier Nasensauger
Aspirador Nasal sem filtro
Содержание Noze
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Страница 8: ...DO NOT FORGET TO REGISTER YOUR PRODUCT https bbluvgroup com product registration 8 EN Nöze ...
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Страница 20: ...VERGESSEN SIE NICHT IHR PRODUKT ZU REGISTRIEREN https bbluvgroup com product registration 20 DE Nöze ...
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