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WearIng resTrICTIons 

and IndICaTIons

Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric (alphafilcon A) Visibility 

Tinted Contact Lens is indicated for daily wear or 

extended wear from 1 to 7 days between removals 

for cleaning and disinfection or disposal of the lens, as 

recommended by the eye care professional. The lens 

is indicated for the correction of refractive ametropia 

(myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism) in not-

aphakic persons with non-diseased eyes, exhibiting 

astigmatism of up to 5.00 diopters or less, that does 

not interfere with visual acuity. The lens may be 

prescribed for Frequent/Planned Replacement Wear 

or Disposable Wear in spherical powers ranging from 

+6.00D to -9.00D when prescribed for up to 7 days 

of extended wear and from +20.00D to –20.00D for 

daily wear.  



 See the WARNINGS reference to the relationship between 

lens wearing schedule and corneal complications


rePlaCeMenT Wear

When prescribed for Frequent/Planned Replacement 

Wear, the Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric (alphafilcon 

A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lens is to be cleaned, 

rinsed and disinfected each time it is removed 

from the patient’s eye and discarded after the 

recommended wearing period prescribed by the eye 

care professional. The lens may be disinfected using a 

chemical disinfection system. 

dIsPosable Wear

When prescribed for Disposable Wear, the Bausch 

& Lomb SofLens Toric (alphafilcon A) Visibility Tinted 

Contact Lens is to be discarded after each removal.

WearIng resTrICTIons

The Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric (alphafilcon A) 

Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses described in this 

booklet should be removed from your eyes for routine 

cleaning and disinfecting as prescribed by your eye 

care professional.

 For extended wear  once the 

lenses are removed, your eyes should have a rest 

without lens wear for at least one overnight, as 

recommended by your eye care professional.


Your eye care professional will tell you how long to rest 

your eyes in between wearing periods and will also 

recommend a replacement period and appropriate 

lens care products.


(reasons noT To use)

DO NOT USE the Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric 

(alphafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lens when any 

of the following conditions exist:
•  Acute and subacute inflammation or infection of the 

anterior chamber of the eye

•  Any eye disease, injury, or abnormality that affects 

the cornea, conjunctiva, or eyelids

•  Severe insufficiency of lacrimal secretion (dry eyes)
•  Corneal hypoesthesia (reduced corneal sensitivity)
•  Any systemic disease that may affect the eye or be 

exaggerated by wearing contact lenses

•  Allergic reactions of ocular surfaces or adnexa 

(surrounding tissue) that may be induced or 

exaggerated by wearing contact lenses or use of 

contact lens solutions

•  Allergy to any ingredient, such as mercury or 

Thimerosal, in a solution which is to be used to care 

for the Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric (alphafilcon 

A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lens

•  Any active corneal infection (bacterial, fungal, or 


•  If eyes become red or irritated

Содержание SofLens Toric alphafilcon A

Страница 1: ...PATIENT INFORMATION BOOKLET CAUTION Federal U S A law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed practitioner Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses SL7486 8002704 ...

Страница 2: ...sinfecting Enzyming StorageandRewetting Lubricating 11 BasicInstructions 11 Chemical NotHeat Disinfection 12 LensDepositsandUseofEnzymaticCleaningProcedure 12 LensCaseCleaningandMaintenance 12 CareforaSticking Nonmoving Lens 12 CareforaDriedOut Dehydrated Lens 13 Emergencies 13 LensCareProductsChart 14 ChemicalLensCareSystems 14 AllLensCareSystems 14 InstructionsfortheMonovisionWearer 15 Wearingan...

Страница 3: ...bythisbooklet aremadeofatypeof plasticthatabsorbsliquids vapors andsmallparticles and forsomepeople maycollectdepositsfromyournatural eyefluids Therefore youshouldstrictlyfollowtheinstructionscontainedinthesectionsofthisbookletentitled PersonalCleanliness and LensHandling aswellasthewritteninformationleafletsaccompanyingthelenscare productsthatyoubuyandanyotherinstructionsgiventoyoubyyoureyecarepr...

Страница 4: ...nA VisibilityTinted ContactLensistobediscardedaftereachremoval WEARING RESTRICTIONS TheBausch LombSofLensToric alphafilconA VisibilityTintedContactLensesdescribedinthis bookletshouldberemovedfromyoureyesforroutine cleaninganddisinfectingasprescribedbyyoureye careprofessional Forextendedwear oncethe lensesareremoved youreyesshouldhavearest withoutlenswearforatleastoneovernight as recommendedbyyoure...

Страница 5: ...ial microcystsandinfiltrates andendothelial polymegathism whichrequireconsiderationof discontinuationorrestrictionofextendedwear Theepithelialconditionsarereversibleupon discontinuationofextendedwear Precautions Youshouldbeawareofandfullydiscusswithyoureye careprofessionalthefollowinglenscareregimenand safetyprecautions Specific Precautions Alwaysdiscarddisposablelensesandlensesworn onafrequent pl...

Страница 6: ...ructedastoa recommendedfollow upschedule Patientsshouldbeadvisedaboutwearinglenses duringsportingandwaterrelatedactivities Exposuretowaterwhilewearingcontactlenses inactivitiessuchasswimming waterskiingand hottubsmayincreasetheriskofocularinfection includingbutnotlimitedtoAcanthamoebakeratitis Alwayscontactyoureyecareprofessionalbefore usinganymedicineintheeyes Who Should Know That the Patient is ...

Страница 7: ...yswashyourhandsthoroughlywithamild soap rinsecompletely anddrywithalint freetowel beforetouchingyourlenses Avoidtheuseofsoapscontainingcoldcream lotion oroilycosmeticsbeforehandlingyour lenses sincethesesubstancesmaycomeinto contactwiththelensesandinterferewithsuccessful wearing Handleyourlenseswithyourfingertips andbe carefultoavoidcontactwithfingernails Itishelpful tokeepyourfingernailsshortands...

Страница 8: ...ora moment thelenswillcenteritselfonyoureye The Two Hand Placement Technique Withthelensonyourindexfinger usethemiddle fingeroftheotherhandtopulltheupperlidagainst thebrow Usethemiddlefingerofyourplacement handtopulldownthelowerlidandthenplacethelens centrallyonyoureye Whileholdingthisposition look downwardtopositionthelensproperly Slowlyrelease youreyelids IftheLensFeelsUncomfortable then Lookina...

Страница 9: ...ewetting Lubricating 1 Basic Instructions Forcontinuedsafeandcomfortablewearingofyour lenses itisimportantthatyoufirstcleanandrinse thendisinfect andneutralize forhydrogenperoxide systems yourlensesaftereachremoval usingthe lenscareregimenrecommendedbyyoureyecare professional Cleaningandrinsingarenecessary toremovemucus secretions films ordepositswhich mayhaveaccumulatedduringwearing Theidealtime ...

Страница 10: ...ion recommendedbyyoureyecareprofessionaland thoroughlyrinsethemwiththerecommended rinsingsolution Aftercleaning andrinsing todisinfect carefullyfollowtheinstructionsaccompanying thedisinfectingsolutioninthecareregimen recommendedbyyoureyecareprofessional Whenusinghydrogenperoxidelenscaresystems lensesmustbeneutralizedbeforewearing Followtherecommendationsonthehydrogen peroxidesystemlabeling Thorou...

Страница 11: ...gandstoringsolutionfor atleast1houruntilitreturnstoasoftstate Cleanlensfirst thendisinfecttherehydratedlens usingarecommendedlenscaresystem Ifaftersoaking thelensdoesnotbecomesoft ifthe surfaceremainsdry DONOTUSETHELENS UNTILITHASBEENEXAMINEDBYYOUR EYECAREPROFESSIONAL 7 Emergencies Ifchemicalsofanykind householdproducts gardeningsolutions laboratorychemicals etc are splashedintoyoureyes youshould ...

Страница 12: ...PurposeSolution Bausch LombReNuMulti PurposeSolution Rinsing Bausch LombReNuMultiPlusMulti PurposeSolution Bausch LombReNuMulti PurposeSolution Bausch LombSensitiveEyesSalineSolution Bausch LombSensitiveEyesSterileSalineSpray Bausch LombSensitiveEyesPlusSalineSolution EnzymaticProteinRemoval Bausch LombReNu1Step DailyProteinRemoverLiquid All Lens Care Systems ACTION CAREPRODUCT Rewetting Bausch Lo...

Страница 13: Itisrecommendedthatyouonlydrivewith monovisioncorrectionifyoupassyourstatedrivers licenserequirementswithmonovisioncorrection Somemonovisionpatientswillneverbefully comfortablefunctioningunderlowlevelsof illumination suchasdrivingatnight Ifthishappens youmaywanttodiscusswithyoureyecare professionalhavingadditionalcontactlenses prescribedsothatbotheyesarecorrectedfor distancewhensharpdistancebin...

Страница 14: ...ents Minimumnumber areon ofhourslensesto bewornattimeof appointmentday _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time _______________________________________ Month Y ear Time ...

Страница 15: ...ureyecareprofessionalwillprescribeyourownindividuallenswearingscheduleandlensreplacementschedule Usethespacebelowtorecordyourscheduleandwearingrecord DAY DATE HOURSTOBEWORN HOURSWORN 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 ...

Страница 16: ..._____________________________________________________________ Date Time 8 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 9 ________________________________________________________________________________ Date Time 10 _______________________________________________________________________________ Date Time Eye Care Professional Information Please fill out...

Страница 17: ...n Microbialkeratitis Aninfectedcornealulcer Hypoxia Lackofoxygen Epithelial Layerofcellsonthesurfaceofthecornea Epithelialmicrocysts Asmallabnormalstructure cyst inthefrontsurfaceofthe eye Endothelialpolymegathism Irregularcellsizeandshape Neovascularization Smallbloodvesselsgrowingintothecornea Iritis Internalinflammationofthecoloredpartoftheeye iris Symbol Reference Guide Forlabelsandcartons Qua...

Страница 18: ... Bausch Lomb Incorporated TM are trademarks of Bausch Lomb Incorporated or its affiliates All rights reserved worldwide Printed in U S A Effective as of February 2015 ...


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