HB EncoderMaster E V1.00.xx rev04.doc
Baumer Electric AG
Frauenfeld, Switzerland
Failure to observe these instructions can result in malfunctions, material damage or personal injury.
Functional description
The ENCODERmaster software allows to easily program Baumer incremental encoders by setting numerous
parameters. Number of pulses, direction of rotation and zero pulse readout can be adjusted with only a few
mouse clicks using the ENCODERmaster-software. At any time it is possible to load and save the factory
default settings in order to reinstall the status of the delivery.
Software installation under Windows 2000, XP
Important: In order to install software and drivers administrator rights are needed.
The figures below refer to installations under Windows XP
. Other Windows versions might result in a slightly
different appearance.
Step 1: The ENCODERmaster software is located on the fieldbus CD-ROM (Art.No. 147362) or can be
downloaded from the internet.
Step 2: Please start the “setup.exe” installation program and follow the instructions.
Step 3: It is possible to change the destination folder in which the ENCODERmaster software will be
installed by clicking on Change… Afterwards click on Next to start the installation.
Figure1: Installation window