Operating manual for
BAUER gear pump
centrifugal pump
is not able to take in the medium (water or manure) itself – this is done by the self-
vacuum device.
In the suction pipe, negative pressure is generated by means of the
evacuation pump;
thus the pipe and the
pump are filled with the medium.
Manure must by no means get into the evacuation pump! This is achieved by means of a valve system in the
Do not switch one valve ball for the other (they are the same size, but are different in weight!).
With the
mechanic self-vacuum device,
the evacuation pump is driven together with the centrifugal pump by
means of a V-belt. For suction purposes, the belt is tensioned by means of a hand lever (V-belt drive not shown
in drawing).
Once the vacuum pipe is filled, the valve ball closes the separator and negative pressure is created on the intake
side of the evacuation pump (note the difference in the sound the pump makes).
The imminent end of the suction process is indicated by movements of the vacuum hose.
Release the belt tightener. The centrifugal pump starts to deliver.
return valve
in the pressure line opens (only slightly at first). After 10 to 15 seconds, the pump should have
built up full pressure and the return valve opens entirely.
(on the outside of the return valve) is only used for indicating the operating condition.
The return valve
need not be pressed closed with the lever during the suction process.
supports closing of the return valve after the centrifugal pump has been switched off.
With the
hydraulic self-vacuum device
the centrifugal pump need not (should not) run during the suction
process. The self-vacuum system can be operated directly from the tractor.
Near the end of the suction process connect the centrifugal pump and switch the evacuation pump off. (Do not
let the evacuation pump continue to run, this would only cause unnecessary heating and wear).
After the
pumping process has been concluded,
the return valve closes and the vacuum line remains filled (!).
At the next start, there is no need to switch on the evacuation pump – the centrifugal pump starts delivering
emptying the intake line
open the
ball valve
at the separator/trap.
Operating instructions:
Make sure the oil tank of the evacuation pump is filled.
Close the ball valve (on the separator/trap) before the suction process starts
Error / - Possible causes /
Remedies /
The (hydraulically driven) evacuation pump does not rotate.
Hydraulic lines (on the tractor) incorrectly connected
Connect lines anew
Do not operate the evacuation pump with incorrect direction of rotation, as this would prevent lubrication.
This is the reason why there is a return valve on the hydro-motor.
The (hydraulically driven) evacuation pump rotates too slowly; the suction process takes too long
Tractor speed too low; too little hydraulic oil delivered
Increase tractor speed
Avoid overspeeding of the hydraulic motor! (The maximum speed of 1550 rpm corresponds to an oil flow
of 20 l/min ). This is why there is a throttle on the hydraulic motor to limit the amount of oil and thus the
speed. If, however, there is not enough oil provided by tractor hydraulics, the hydro motor will not reach
full speed.