Upper ca rriage – HSE fe atures
He av y duty base f ram e op timi ze d for BG a ttac hm ent
Rea r view c amera, beac on f la sh lig ht and wa r ning ho rn
Multigrad e oil f or red ucing f uel consumption
Ea sy a ccess to upper car riage
Two ma st sections w it h pin joint fo r op timi ze d trans po rt
he ight
Hydra ulic ally o pera ted upp er kelly g uid e
Lo wer no ise emi ssion
Ergon omic ca bin de sign
FOP S compliant
Br ight c ol or monit or
Cle ar ar rangement o f instruments and
dis plays
Ex cellent visibility to drilling s po t
Ea s e of op eratio n
Final ins pec tion a nd test run
Co m prehensive B auer test ing pro gra mme
Optimal adjus tment and c alibratio n of all com po nents
He at trans f er test
Crowd syst em with crowd cy linder
Crowd syste m “up sid e-do wn”
insta lla tion
Ea s y hand ling fo r transpor t witho ut
dis connec ting hydraulic hos es