October 2003
Section 3
Page 61
Condensate Drain Separator
The condensate drainage is a mixture of oil, water and air. The Condensate Drain Separator is utilized to
separate the oil and water from the air. The oil and water is then piped to the Condensate Collector Bottle
where the oil and water mixture is stored until it can be disposed of properly.
ACD Maintenance
The condensate drain valves are provided with manual drain valves to verify correct operation of the
automatic system.
The automatic condensate drain system must be serviced once a week as follows:
1. Open all manual drain valves one after the other.
2. Observe the drainage of condensation.
3. If the system drains more than 2 ounces of liquid per stage, either the system or the corresponding
condensate drain valve is not working properly.
4. Find the fault and remedy accordingly.
5. If little or no condensation emerges, the automatic system is operating properly.
6. The condensate collection bottle should be emptied regularly. Due care must be taken to ensure that
any oil which is drained with the condensate is disposed of properly. Check local, state and federal
Figure 3.2-3
ACD Timer
"ON" Time
"OFF" Time