Pressure Rating
As per AS/NZS3500 pressure must be limited to 500kPa on any new
home, extension or renovation.
For best performance and longer life we recommend 150-500kPa.
Hot and cold water inlet pressure should be equal.
Temperature Rating
80°C maximum continuous working temperature
Suitable Hot Water Units
Storage Tank - Yes
Continuous Flow - Yes
Gravity Feed - Not Suitable
Cleaning Instructions
We recommend the use of soapy water or approved cleaners.
This product should not be cleaned with abrasive materials.
Damage caused by any improper treatment is not covered by the product warranty - refer to our
Warranty Conditions.
Plumbers, please ensure a copy of the installation instructions is left with the end user for future reference
For the Plumber
Check 1. All work should be carried out by a licensed plumber. Responsibility will not be accepted by
Tribata for incorrect installation of this tapware, or any tapware not installed by a Registered Plumber.
Check 2. The water supply lines need to be ‘flushed out’ prior to installation. This will avoid any foreign
materials blocking the flow regulator, damaging the cartridge/valve and reducing the flow of water.
Check 3. Ensure all connections are tight.
Check 4. Turn on the main water supply and check for leaks.
fixed gooseneck shower set
Products in this specification manual must by regulation be installed by licensed and registered trade people.
Under our commitment to product development and improvement, we may change product specifications
and dimensions or delete models from the range without prior notification. Dimensions and set-outs listed
are correct at time of publication and could contain dimensions which are approximate due to tolerances in
manufacturing processes. It is important that you thoroughly review the product and check specifications
and dimensions prior to surface preparation, cut-out and installation.
During the installation of the product by a qualified trained personnel, make sure that the entire fastening
surface is even and smooth (no protruding seams or tile offset), that the finish of the wall is suitable to apply
the product and has no weak points. It is recommended that all accessories are secured to timber studs.