Thyme Manual
This document is intended as a complete reference manual of Thyme’s functionality.
Look here if you are searching for explanations of speci c features or if you are one of those
persons who like to read through manuals before they use stuff. If you just want to know the
bare minimum to get started, check out the short manual which gets shipped with the device.
What is Thyme
Thyme is a versatile sound processing unit: It takes an audio input signal, modi es it and
sends it to the output . The digital sound processing performed by Thyme can be summarized
as a “Sequenceable Robot-Operated Digital Tape Machine”. Here you see a greatly simpli ed
illustration of its core functionality.
Imagine the tape moving from left to right (motor turning clockwise). The signal that is written
to the tape by the write head will be read by multiple read heads after certain time periods.
These signals are summed, sent to the output and also added back to the input signal,
creating a feedback loop.
All signal processing parameters can be tweaked live; either manually or by modulation
sources which we call "Robots". Robots are similar to LFOs but go much further. On top of
that, you can switch between different con gurations at the push of a button or with the
integrated sequencer.
Functionality Overview