Setting of cooking time and temperature
after the key, if you need to reset the cooking temperature and time, press
you can change cooking time and cooking temperature.
When adjusting the cooking temperature, the digital screen flashes, adding and decreasing the
cooking temperature by “+” and “-”. With each click, change 10 degrees Fahrenheit. You can press
the key for a long time, and the temperature changes rapidly at 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
The temperature can be adjusted in the range of 120 degrees Fahrenheit 430 degrees Fahrenheit.
(dry fruit function temperature range is 120 degrees Fahrenheit 160 degrees Fahrenheit)
When setting cooking time, the digital screen flashes, adding and decreasing cooking time by
“+” and “-”. With each click, change in 1 minute, you can press the key for a long time, the time
changes at a rate of 10 minutes. The c
ooking time range is 1 min 60 minutes (except for 8 hours of
dried fruit function)
Pause function:
During cooking, as long as the door is opened, the cooker will stop automatically.
In this case, only in addition to the key response, the other keys will be locked. Close
the door, the cooker will continue the previous cooking work.
When opening the door in the working state of the appliance for pause function, if didn’t
close the door within 10 minutes, the appliance enters the state of shutdown, showing “black
screen”, and the machine is in the state of shutdown (closed door is also in this state).
During cooking, turn the food regularly or irregularly to help cook more evenly and cook better.
Note: in the cooking process, the net basket, oil plate, layer frame, the temperature is very high, can
not be touched directly by hand.
Rotating function:
This function makes the food even more heated. Pressing the will flash the
corresponding icon indicator in the control panel. Press again to cancel scrolling. This rolling cooking
mode is off by default.
Use of roasted rotisserie fork . As shown below: