Stages – DIF, DAY, NIGHT
The ClimateBoss has 3 stages – DIF, DAY, and NIGHT. Each stage has a start time and a target
temperature, as shown in Figure 7. (2-zone operation will have an additional target temperature for the
second zone.
To change your stage settings, either use the Program Settings option in the menu or press the
current stage button from the home screen (Figure 1). The menu will look like Figure 7, seen below.
On this screen, you have both a start time and
zone temperature for each stage. Keep in mind that you
will only see the second zone if you are running your
controller in two-zone mode.
To edit a start time, press the green text for the
correct stage under the start column. Enter the time in
the 24-hour clock on the next screen, then press save.
To edit a temperature, follow the same steps
except under the zone1 or zone2 column, entering your
desired temperature on the next screen.
You can see the timeline of your settings on the top of the screen, a full 24-hour timeline
starting at 0:00.
Outputs (Heat 1, Cool 1…)
To access your output settings, either press Heat/Cool Settings in the menu or press any of your
output indicators on the home screen (Figure 2). You should see a screen like figure 7. Be sure to read
through the Controller Operations section of this manual so you are aware of how these values function.
Figure 7
Program Settings
Figure 8
: Heat/Cool Settings
Output Temperature
When the output will
turn on. Not directly
changeable. Rather, it
is equal to Zone 1
Target Temperature
for DIF (65, seen in
Figure 4) + Cool 1 Step
Step (+/-)
Difference between
the temperature set
point and the output’s
activation point. Press
to edit.
On, Off, or Auto. Press
to edit.