0: Stop
Der aktuelle Farbverlauf wird pausiert.
1: Normal color change
Constant color change through all colors and
their mixtures (red, green, blue) with a transiti-
on time of color to color of 15 seconds.
2: Medium color change
Constant color change through all colors and
their mixtures (red, green, blue) with a transiti-
on time of color to color of 60 seconds.
3: Slow color change
Constant color change through all colors and
their mixtures (red, green, blue) with a transiti-
on time of color to color of 220 seconds.
4: Blob
Fading base colors
5: LSD
Changing base colors.
6: Fire
Simulated fire-flicker
7: Flashes
Simulated thunderstorm flashes
8: Burst
Fast fading base colors
9: Color rotation
Rotating color change inclusive white with a
transition time of 5 seconds.
10: Energizing
The intensity of each color increases to 100%
within 5 sec.; then the color remains for about
116 seconds and then falls back to 0% within
5 seconds. After a further 3 seconds, the next
color starts.
Splash Enabled
Activated or. Disables the Bluetooth 4.0 star-
tup screen.
Choose between the color themes „Light“,
„Dark“ or „Black“.
Choose between the languages „English“,
„German“ or „Polish“.
Discovery Time
The waiting time defines how long the scan-
ning process waits until it stops.
Refresh RSSI
Switch permanent RSSI update on or off.
The „
” button closes the setting window.
Device name:
The name of the control can be defined here.
This is also used in the device list on the scan
Device PIN:
The PIN of the control can be changed in this
field. The PIN of each device can be reset via
the button in the housing of each control unit.
Device type:
This field displays the number of channels
Software version:
The current software version is displayed here.
Bluetooth 4.0
Bluetooth 4.0
Bluetooth 4.0
0: Stop
1: Normal color change
2: Medium color change
3: Slow color change
4: Blob
5: LSD
6: Fire
7: Flashes
8: Burs
9: Color rotation
Splash Enabled
Device Name:
Theme Black
Device PIN:
Language English
Device Typ:
Discovery Time
180 sec
Software Version:
Refresh RSSI