– C15001
The Contec Floor Grinder is the product of extensive engineering development designed
to give long life and unmatched performance. The Floor Grinders are shipped completely
You can help ensure that your Floor Grinder will perform at top levels by observing a
simple routing on first use. Consider that your new Grinder is like a new car. Just as you would
break in a new car to the road or any new machine to the job, you should start gradually and
build up to full use. Learn what your machine can do and how it will respond. Full throttle and
control may be used after this time period, as allowed by material. This will serve to further
break in the machine on your specific application, as well as provide you with additional
practice using the machine.
We thank you for the confidence you have placed in us by purchasing a Contec Floor
Grinder and wish you many years of satisfied use.
Bartell agrees to furnish without charge, F.O.B. our plant, a replacement for any part or
portion thereof, comprising the main unit of the Contec Floor Grinder, consisting of the handle,
housing assembly, save and except tooling, and power units, prove upon our examination, to
be defective in either material or workmanship within a period of twelve (12) months from date
of purchase, provided that notice of such defective part or portion thereof is given to Bartell Ltd.
within the twelve month warranty period. No further or other guarantee or warranty expressed
or implied in connection with the sale of the Grinder is given and our sole liability consists in
replacing defective parts or portions thereof. We shall not be responsible for any special,
indirect or consequential damages arising in any manner whatsoever.
This guarantee is for the sole benefit of the original purchaser as end user. Our
responsibility under this guarantee ends in the case the original purchaser transfers ownership
of the Floor Grinder, makes any changes or adds any parts or devices not of our manufacture
to the Floor Grinder machine.