Final Installation Checklist
Before proceeding to the
System Start-Up Procedure
section, complete the Final Installation Checklist
1. Ensure the Tucson Micro cabinet is securely fastened to a wall or other structure.
2. Ensure that the input circuit breaker in the building service panel serving as the AC disconnect to the Tucson Micro
system is in the OFF position.
3. Check for proper ground connections in the Tucson Micro unit cabinet.
4. Check for any loose wiring connections in the Tucson Micro unit cabinet.
5. Check that correct nominal battery voltage (12VDC) is present in the Tucson Micro unit between the battery’s NEG and
POS terminals.
6. Verify AC Input Voltage Selector Plug are installed and in the proper position to accept the AC input line voltage for the
system voltage configuration.
Failure to install the Voltage Selector Plug will prevent system operation. Installing the Voltage Selector Plug in
the position that does not match the AC input line voltage will damage the unit, void the warranty, and may cause a
dangerous or unsafe condition.
System Start-Up Procedure
The Tucson Micro inverter system is a sophisticated electronic backup power supply. Care must be taken to
follow the steps below in their exact sequence. Failure to do so may result in possible equipment failure.
Familiarize yourself with the shut down procedure in the
Maintenance - Safe Shut Down Procedure
on page 11 before proceeding with the Tucson Micro system start-up.
1. Apply utility AC power to the system by turning the branch circuit breaker in the main power panel to the ON position.
2. Observe the LED Status indicators and verify the following:
a. AC ON indicator (red LED) is illuminated (indicates AC utility power is available to unit).
b. CHG ON indicator (green LED) is illuminated (indicates battery is connected and charger is operational).
3. Verify Normally-On fixtures or switched fixtures (where applicable) are illuminated (local fixture switch must be in ON
System Test
Momentarily push TEST switch and verify the following:
1. INV ON status indicator (yellow) illuminates (indicates inverter is operational).
2. Normally-On, Normally-Off and Switched fixtures are illuminated (where applicable).
Tucson Micro Series
Installation Instructions
EV 1 - 06/21