WAM™ Wrist – Cable Maintenance Guide [email protected]
© 2008 Barrett Technology®, Inc.
Document: D1004, Version: AG.00
Page 10 of 13
Figure 13 – M6 Stage-3 Cables (color-
Figure 14 – Taping the M6 Stage-3
5 M6
The cabling circuit for the M6 Stage-3 is represented in Figure 13.
Position the wrist so that you can easily access the M6-Side. Rotate joint 5 to
its far positive stop (fully CCW), and flip the wrist pitch opposite to the side
that you are working on. Secure J5 and J6 with tape.
Begin with a 3rd-stage cable (B3479). Attach one end to the top anchor in
the upper 3rd-stage pulley.
Wrap the cable around the pulley 2 times using tape to hold the wraps.
Transition over to the stage-3 pinion using a cross-wrap (the split in the
surface of the M6 pinion is closer to the top of the wrist that that on M5).
Attach the free end of the cable to the bottom anchor of the pinion. Wind on
the cable by rotating the pinion. After approximately ½ of a turn the cable
should pass over the flat section of the anchor-separator and the 2
½ turn
should track directly above the pin in the pinion surface, and all other turns
should lie on the pinion surface above the pin but below the pinion split.
Rotate the pinion until the cable is tight.
Immobilize the bottom of the pinion with tape to prevent cable unwinding
(see Figure 14).
Attach one end of another 3rd-stage cable (B3479) to the lower anchor in the
upper 3rd-stage pulley. Wrap the cable up the pulley 3.5 times using tape to
hold each wrap as necessary. This cable will transition above the first cable,
so it must wrap between the wraps of the first (see color-enhanced Figure
Cross over to the pinion using a cross-wrap. Attach the free end of the cable
to the anchor in the top of the pinion and rotate the top segment of the pinion
only (after approximately ½ of a turn the cable should pass over the flat
section of the anchor-separator). Guide the cable carefully to ensure that the
cable winds on smoothly and evenly above the pinion split. Rotate the pinion
until the cable is
Immobilize the top of the pinion with tape.
Using a thin piece of tape, connect the upper and lower portions of the M6
pulley/pinion pair by laying the tape around the “pinion split” (see Figure 12
of M5 instructions).
Remove ALL other tape.
Gently move the M6 stage-3 circuit to its extremes. Ensure that the cables
are not tangled or rubbing tightly. Nudge the cables into the relative
positions as shown in Figure 13. If necessary, carefully remove the pinion
tape, retighten the circuit, and resecure.
Continue on to Section 6 and follow the directions for the M6 circuit leaving
the thin tape around the pinion split in place for now.