Troubleshooting Chart
Risk of electric shock. Always disconnect the pump from the power source before handling inspections or repairs.
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
Barmesa Pumps assumes no responsibility for damage or injury due to disassembly in the field. Disassembly of the pumps or supplied accessories other
than at Barmesa Pumps or its authorized service centers, automatically voids warranty.
A) The pump does not prime, the vacuum gauge
indicates a lower reading than normal.
1. Air leak in the suction system.
2. Insufficient liquid in the pump casing.
3. Low operating speed.
4. Bound pump.
5. Mechanical defect .
Threaded joints in the suction tightness.
Gaskets for no wear.
The mechanical seal for leaks.
The drain plug has leaks.
The vacuum gauge may be leaking.
That the pump´s body is filled with water.
The motor speed. (RPM)
Impeller rotates freely.
Internal parts are clean.
That the internal parts are not worn.
B) The pump does not prime, the vacuum gauge
reading indicates higher than normal.
1.Pipe clogged suction.
The suction line is clean
C) The pump priming good vacuum gauge
reading is normal, the manometer indicates a
lower pressure than normal.
1.The pump speed is very low.
2. Mechanical defects.
The voltage is correct.
The internal parts for wear.
D) The pump priming good vacuum gauge
reading is almost normal, reading in the
manometer is greater
1.Discharge obstructed.
The discharge is clear of obstructions
That the discharge valves operate correctly
E) The pump loses its priming during operation,
vacuum gauge reading drops to zero.
1. Suction dynamic level too high.
2. The pump is sucking air.
When the pump is operating, never lacks water in the
For leaks in suction piping, flanges and gaskets.
That there is no vortex effect at the end of the
suction, this lack of water.
F) T h e p u m p p r i m i n g p u m p s w e l l a n d
satisfactorily but noisy.
1. Pump base is loose.
2. Cavitation.
3. Bearings.
4. Vibration.
That screws are tight at the base.
There are no cracks in the base.
The dynamic level is not too high.
That the pumping capacity is not too much.
The pump is operating in the range of NPSHR.
If reducing flow makes the noise gone, then the
problem is in the point above; partially close the
discharge valve.
The bearings for wear.
That there is oil in the deposit.
The impeller does not have any foreign material.
The pump is operating in the range.
That the alignment is correct.
F) Motor overload
1. Low Voltage.
2. Overload
The voltage is correct.
The amperage of the plate is not exceeded.
There is no foreign material that may force the
That the motor is suitable for the pump.