Troubleshooting Chart
Always disconnect the pump from the electrical power source before handling.
If the system fails to operate properly, carefully read instructions and perform maintenance recommendations.
Possible Cause(s)
Corrective Action
1. Replace
2. Follow service instructions for installing seal
1. Worn mechanical seal
2. Seal not installed properly
Pump leaks at shaft
1. Air leak in suction piping
2. Pump located too far from fluid source
3. Gate valve closed
4. Clogged strainer
5. Fouled foot-valve
6. Discharge height too great
7. Fouled impeller
8. Faulty mechanical seal
1. Replace
2. Replace
3. Open
4. Clean or Replace
5. Clean or Replace
6. Lower the height
7. Clean or Replace
8. Replace
Pump runs but no fluid
Pump overloads driver
1. Total head lower than pump rating, unit
delivering too much water
2. Specifi c gravity and viscosity of liquid being
pumped different than the pump rating
1. Increase back pressure by turning gate valve on
discharge line to partially closed position that will
not overload motor.
2. Consult factory
1. Mounting plate or foundation not rigid
2. Foreign material in pump causing unbalance
3. Impeller bent
4. Cavitation present
5. Piping not supported to relieve any strain on
pump assembly
1. Reinforce
2. Disassemble pump and remove
3. Replace impeller
4. Check suction line for proper size and check
valve in suction line if completly open, remove any
sharp bends before pump and shorten suction line
5. Make necessary adjustments
Pump vibrates and/or
makes excessive noise
1. Fill pump body with water.
2. Shorten suction head
3. Lower suction head, install foot-valve and prime
4. Disassemble pump and clean out impeller
5. Repair or replace suction line
6. Match foot-valve size to piping or install one
larger size foot-valve
7. Disassemble pump and replace impeller
8. Submerge lower in water
9. Increase inlet pressure by adding more water to
tank or increasing back pressure by turning gate
valve on discharge line partially closed.
10. Increase pipe size to pump inlet size or larger
11. Replace
12. Open
13. Clean or replace
14. Clean or replace
1. Casing not filled with water
2. Total head too high
3. Suction head higher than pump designed for
4. Impeller partially or completely plugged
5. Leak in suction line
6. Foot-valve too small
7. Impeller damaged
8. Foot-valve or suction line not submerged
deep enough in water, pulling air
9. Insufficient inlet pressure or suction head
10. Suction piping too small
11. Body gasket leaking
12. Suction or discharge line valves closed
13. Piping damaged
14. Clogged strainer or foot-valve
Little or no discharge and
unit will not prime
1. Repaire or replace suction line
2. Refill (reprime) pump body before restarting
3. Lower suction head, install foot-valve and prime
4. Increase inlet pressure by adding more water to
tank or increasing back pressure by turning gate
valve on discharge line to partially closed.
5. Unclog or replace
6. Replace
1. Air leak in suction line
2. When pump was last turned off, water
siphoned out of pump body
3. Suction head higher than pump designed for
4. Insufficient inlet pressure or suction head
5. Clogged foot-valve, strainer or pump
6. Defective wearplate
Loss of suction after
satisfactory operation