PRODUCT MANUAL - BARIX X8 - V01.05 - 10/26/2006
Device configuration can be set and read using standard Modbus
commands. The BARIX X8 will reset its actual communications
parameters to these values anytime it does not receive valid host
communication for more than 5 seconds.
Register 273:
Pull up resistor yes/no (1=yes, 0=no)
Register 274:
Serial interface speed Bit 0:
0 selects 19200 baud / 1 selects 9600 baud
WIEGAND support Bit 6:
0=disabled / 1=WIEGAND support enabled
Serial interface parity Bit 7:
0=Even parity / 1= No parity.
Register 275:
This register holds the Modbus address of the
Register 276:
I/O function setting (1=output, 0=input)
Register 277..289: Reserved for future enhancements.
Modbus Register Map · 19