56-101-00420 Rev. C
Ch. 3
Page 25 of 33
(9) Close the appropriate circuit breakers.
(10) Turn aircraft power to the fuel system ON.
(11) Adjust the amplifier E (EMPTY) adjustment to achieve a reading of ZERO or
B. Setting “FULL” Adjustment
(1) Rotate the TEST FUNCTION switch to CAP BRIDGE.
(2) Set the TANK CAP pF by entering the FULL COMPENSATOR VALUE to be
simulated on the thumbwheel assembly.
(3) Set COMP SIM pF by entering the two left hand digits, obtained from step (2), on
the thumbwheel assembly.
(4) Press and hold the COMP CAL pushbutton. Adjust the COMP CAL 0-10 for the
lowest possible reading.
(5) Release the COMP CAL pushbutton.
(6) Rotate the TEST FUNCTION selector to CAP SIM 1.
(7) Adjust the amplifier F (FULL) adjustment to achieve an indicator reading of FULL or
a “specified amount”.
Note: Refer to the appropriate Maintenance Manual for capacitance values
between EMPTY, ZERO and FULL or a “specified value” for the system-
under-test to verify the indicator reading. Different TANK CAP pF values
may be set to represent other levels of fuel.
(8) Access the other fuel quantity amplifiers (if any) and repeat the adjustment
procedure to all that apply.
(9) Set the Test Set’s ON/OFF switch to OFF.
(10) Disconnect all test equipment.
(11) Continue to section 9. SYSTEM CALIBRATION.