Via G. di Vittorio 50/52
43045 - FORNOVO TARO - PR - Tel.: +390525/400044 - Fax.: +390525/3408
1. All the statements, indications and technical data listed in this document are based on technical tests carried out
by Bardiani Valvole S.p.A.. However accurate and reliable, such tests do not reflect all possible circumstances
under which the products may be used.
It is therefore advisable that the Buyer should always ascertain the suitability of the product in its application. The
Buyer will be entirely liable for all risks and damages incurred by said products.
Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. are not liable for any accident, loss or damage incurred, whether they be directly or indirectly
caused by the use or misuse of the products.
No further guarantees other than those stated in this document shall be granted.
2. All our customers are advised to consult our technicians as well as our offices who will supply all information
pertaining the technical characteristics of our products.
3. The pictures contained in this document are intended to be general representations. They are not to be intended
either legally binding or detailed representations of our products.
4. The data and statements listed in this document only refer to our standard products. They do not apply in any
case to any tailor-made products that might have been purchased by the customers.
5. Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. are not liable for any defects or faults resulting from the incorrect installation of their
products. Such installation is to be carried out in full compliance with the instructions contained in the “Manual of
Instructions for the Use and Maintenance of the Product”. Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. are not liable for any defects or
faults resulting from the incorrect use of their products.
6. Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. are not liable for any defects or faults resulting from the incorrect transportation and/or
incorrect storage and/or incorrect maintenance of their products.
7. Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. cannot accept any liability for any faults or damages deriving from mishandling of the
products and/or interventions carried out by unqualified personnel. No liability is accepted for damages caused
by hits, dents, carelessness, negligence or any other any acts that cannot be considered as construction faults
or faults related to the materials used in production.
1.1 Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. warrant that their products are free from defects in design, material and workmanship.
Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. shall be liable should any such defects be found within 12 (twelve) months from the date
of delivery of the products.
1.2 Any claim regarding defects and/or faults found in the products shall be notified in full and in writing to Bardiani
Valvole S.p.A. within 8 (eight) days from the date they were found. Adequate documentation shall be provided as
evidence of said defects at the time the claim is filed.
2.1 Without prejudice to any statutory right of the Buyer, Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. shall be under no liability in respect
of electric components or elastomers that are part of their products.
2.2 The Seller shall be under no liability in respect of defects/faults specified in the following points:
- defects and/or faults arising from failure to follow the instructions contained in the “Manual of Instruction for the
Use and Maintenance of the Product” as to the use and storage of the products by the Buyer;
- defects and/or faults arising from fair wear and tear of the products or their parts or their components;
- defects and/or faults arising from repairs or interventions of the goods carried out by unauthorized or unqualified
- defects and/or faults arising from misuse, accidents, negligence and abnormal working conditions caused by
the Buyer.
3.1 Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. shall, at their discretion, repair or replace the products that are acknowledged to be
3.2 Should repair or replacement of the product or of its components occur, the parts returned shall become the property
of Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. The relevant freight costs involved in the return of the goods or their components shall
be entirely met by Bardiani Valvole S.p.A..
3.3 Under no circumstance shall Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. be liable to indemnify immaterial or indirect damages such
as damages or consequential loss, whether loss of profit, loss of business, loss of business opportunities, loss of
time, loss of goodwill and damage to corporate image, etc.
3.4 The performance of repair or replacement under the above warranty shall not entail any extension of the warranty
period of 12 (twelve months), such term being unconditional.
3.5 No distributor, agent or staff to Bardiani Valvole S.p.A. is entitled to make any amendment, extension or addition
to the above warranty.