Dual-Lumen Catheters:
Create subcutaneous tunnel from skin exit site to venous entrance site
using tunneler or long forceps.
a. Grasp the tunneler at the end
with protective cover.
b. Insert the rounded tip of the
tunneler into a small incision at
the desired catheter exit site.
c. Form tunnel by advancing the tip
of the tunneler from the skin exit
site up to the venous entry site.
Avoid inadvertent
puncture of the skin or fascia
with the tip of the tunneler.
d. Remove the protective cover and
attach one of the lumen tips onto
the tunneler barb with a twisting
motion. Barb threads must be
completely covered by the catheter tip to adequately secure the
catheter as it is pulled through the tunnel.
e. Pull the catheter up through the tunnel to the venous entry site.
(Initial resistance may be met as the SureCuff* Tissue Ingrowth
Cuff first enters the tunnel.) Gently holding the catheter proximal
to the cuff while pulling the tunneler and catheter through the
subcutaneous tunnel should result in smooth passage of the cuff into
the subcutaneous tunnel.
When tunneling, the catheter must not be forced.
f. Gently remove the catheter tip from the tunneler barb.
Do not trim the end of the dual lumen catheter.