Observe the main burners in operation. The flame
should be mostly “blue” with possibly a little orange (not
yellow) at the tips of the flames. The flames should be in
the center of the heat exchanger compartments and not
impinging on the heat exchanger surfaces themselves.
Observe the fire until the blower starts (there is a normal
delay period until the heat exchanger warms up). There
should be no change in the size or shape of the flame. If
there is any wavering or blowing of the flame on blower
start-up, it is an indicattion of a possible leak in the heat
The fresh air damper assembly is shipped in the return
air chamber accessed from the back of the unit. Remove
the shipping screws and damper assembly. Attach the
damper assembly to the blower service door as shown in
Figure 2. The damper assembly includes a permanent
filter that can be easily removed for cleaning. See Figure
The damper blade is shipped in the full open position
allowing the maximum amount of fresh air at all times.
If no fresh air is desired or if barometric operation (blade
opens when blower starts) is desired, remove and
reinsert the plastic canoe clips as shown in Figure 7.
All capacity, efficiency and cost of operation information
as required for Department of Energy “Energyguide”
Fact Sheets is based upon the fresh air blank-off plate
(BOP-1A) in place and is recommended for maximum
energy efficiency. The blank-off plate is available upon
request from the factory and is installed in place of the
fresh air damper shipped with each unit.
A one inch throw away filter is supplied with each unit
taped to the back of the unit. This filter is installed by
removing the filter service door located on the left side
and sliding the filter into position, as shown in Figure 3.