Special roll-out mechanics
of the SP-10 guarantee easy handling and
quick installation on the pitch.
Individual displays are transported together in one trolley and a unique
railing system optimises installation time. Once the display is in the right
position on the pitch, two holders pull out on the back to fix the display
in the right location. The display can then be adjusted to the right viewing
angle. Set-up of a full soccer pitch can be done in four hours.
The SP-10 is designed for
optimal serviceability
using standard “plug-
in” components and modules. Furthermore, Barco is known for its World
Wide service network, enabling our local partners to provide the best
and most specialized knowledge needed.
Recognised as one of the leading suppliers in the Sports Visualisation
market, Barco is proud of its wide range of high impact installations
around the world!
We are fully aware of how critical excellent performance is, and we have the right experience
in assisting you in going through the process of making your stadium digital. Partnering
with Barco is a winning combination!
Easy to install mechanics with a World Wide servicing
network ready to be at your side on the pitch
O v e r 2 0 y e a r s o f e x p e r i e n c e i n B r o a d c a s t i n g a n d
L a r g e screen sports visualization