Eurotunnel, UK
SAPRR, France
Caltrans, US
STA, Italy
Display up to 64 channels
in real time on one single display
A true surveillance environment is designed to provide a real time collaborative
work experience for monitoring, response dispatching/co-ordination, access/flow
control, recording and overall systems control for 24/7 operations. Barco’s
solutions are tailored to optimally facilitate these functionalities and
make your surveillance environment more efficient for both small and large or
complex surveillance centers.
Barco’s iS
is currently the most advanced all-in-one solution for managed
monitoring. It consists of a high-quality display with rear-screen projection, a graphic
controller, and Web-based operating software. One projection module can display up
to 64 video or graphics windows simultaneously.
Two or more modules can be combined into compact surveillance systems or into a
huge display wall to monitor hundreds of cameras. iS
acts as a single point
of control and includes advanced warning capabilities.
With iS
, operators are no longer confined to a limited number of monitors.
They can now size and move a virtual monitor anywhere on the screen for
maximum viewing. No space is wasted for window or monitor borders. This enables
display of a higher number of video sources in the same amount of space and with
the same number of operators.
iSurveillance_new.qxd 22-01-2004 15:24 Pagina 3