Rigging frame F80 series
Image 1-9
Repeat the previous step for each overlapping corner of all stacked rigging frames.
1.5 Suspending the projector from a truss
It is the responsibility of the installer to suspend the rigging frames in a safe and secure
fashion. Safety cables must be applied according to local regulations and standards. Safety cables
must be dimensioned for the applicable load and no drop distance is allowed or must be limited as
much as possible.
Suspending the projector from a truss
The projector can be suspended from a truss using the multifunctional frame.
Take the following things into account:
If suspension clamps are used, they can be placed on any of the round profiles of the frame. The number
of clamps required depends on the types of clamps used. Always make sure you use at least 4 clamps: 2
clamps at 2 opposed sides of the frame. Make sure to take into account the total weight of all frames and
projectors suspended from the truss.
It is allowed to suspend
maximum two
F80 series multifunctional frame