Detection and removal of contaminants in raw cotton
Barco is proud to introduce the Cotton Sorter, a real time system for the detection and re-
moval of contaminants from raw cotton in the blow line. All unwanted material that differs
from the cotton throughput is detected by ultra-fast CCD cameras and removed by means
of high speed air guns.
It is very easy to install the Cotton Sorter in an existing opening line. The system is installed
in the pipeline that transports the cotton tufts from the bale opener. The cotton flow through
the machine is straight. No need to add fan capacity to elevate the cotton and drop it through
the inspection zone.
The Cotton Sorter provides the means to safeguard a high and consistent quality level, re-
gardless of operator practices. The early removal of contaminants results in an improved and
consistent quality level, less customer complaints and a higher efficiency on OE machines
and winders due to a lower number of foreign fiber cuts by the yarn clearers.