Seamless Source Switching
Enhance the flow and momentum of large audience presentations thanks to the
seamless source switching functionalities. Switch sources on-the-fly without
distracting on-screen warning messages or irritating waiting intervals.
Special effects like fade in and box out offer smooth visual transitions when
switching sources. No need to go to the expense of external switchers.
Show multiple sources simultaneously
Make your presentation more powerful by showing two sources
simultaneously on the screen. The picture-in-picture functionality is ideal for
large-screen applications: a typical presentation can be shown alongside a
video capture of the speaker or a corporate movie. The SLM Series allows
you to show two sources at one time, in whatever combination: video-in-
video, data-in-video, video-in-data, data-in-data. When you position the
second source, you can choose from 4 locations on the screen: up/right,
up/left, down/right and down/left.
Designed for multiple-screen applications
The SLM series includes unique features that make it an ideal solution
when projecting with several projectors on multiple screens.
• Uniform brightness over multiple screens
Barco’s smart
Linked Constant Light Output
feature synchronizes and
automatically adjusts the light output of linked SLM E
resulting in a uniform brightness over multiple screens.
• Unique edge-blending software
When projecting on multiple-adherent screens, to
obtain panoramic images, it is important to ensure a
smooth overlap of the different images. Barco
developed a unique software, called S
standard available on SLM series. This edge-blending
solution combines images projected by two (or
more) SLM projectors: the software combines the
processing of the 2 projectors and projects one image
without visible overlaps.
The powerful DLP three-chip technology further
allows multiple channels to display images with
matching color reproduction.
Show a video capture of the speaker
alongside your presentation
Use transition effects when switching from e.g. data to video sources
Professional quality images