Natural Gas Safety Instructions
Y our Natural G as G rill is des igned to operate on
N a tura l G a s only, a t a pre s s ure of 7" wa te r
column (W.C .) (1/4 psig or 1.75 kpa), regulated at
the residential meter. C heck with your gas utility
company for local gas pressure and with your local
municipa lity for building code requirements . If
your res idential gas line pres s ure has not been
regula ted to 7" W .C ., conta ct your loca l ga s
utility company for professional assistance.
T he gas pres s ure R egulator s upplied with this
appliance mus t be us ed. T his R egulator is s et
for an outlet pres s ure of 4" W.C .
It is recommended tha t a S hut O ff V a lve be
ins ta lled a t the ga s s upply s ource outdoors .
Ins ta ll a t a point a fter the ga s pipe exits the
outs ide wa ll a nd before the Q uick Dis connect
Hos e, or ins tall it at the point before the gas line
piping enters the ground. S ee
F igure 1.
P ipe sealing compound or pipe thread tape resistant
to the action of Natural G as must be used on all male
pipe threads when making the connection.
Dis connect your gas grill from fuel s ource when
the gas supply is being tested at high pressures.
This gas grill and its individual S hut Off Valve must
be disconnected from the gas supply pipe system
during any pres s ure tes ting of that s ys tem at
pre s s ure in e x c e s s of 1 /2 ps i ( 3 . 5 k pa ) .
T urn off your gas grill when the gas s upply is
tested at low pressures. T he grill must be isolated
from the gas s upply pipe s ys tem by clos ing its
individua l Ma nua l S hut O ff V a lve during a ny
pressure testing of the gas supply pipe system at
pres s ures equal to or les s than 1/2 ps i (3.5kpa).
T he Quick Disconnect connects to a 3/8 inch NP T
thread from gas s ource. T he Q uick Dis connect
fitting is a hand operated device that automati-
cally shuts off the the flow of gas from the source
when it is dis connected.
T he Q uick Dis connect fitting ca n be ins ta lled
horiz onta lly, or pointing downwa rd. DO N O T
ins ta ll the fitting with the ope ning pointing
upwa rd beca us e the fitting could collect wa ter
and debris .
T he Dus t C overs (plas tic plugs ) provided with the
Q uick D is conne ct he lp ke e p the ope n e nds
clean while dis connected.
T he outdoor connector must be firmly attached to
a ridged permanent construction.
T he Quick Dis connect MUS T B E ins talled above
W A R N IN G : D o not route the 12 foot Q uic k
Disconnect Hose under a deck. T he hose must be
vis ible a nd ins pected prior to ea ch grill us e.
F igure 1
(F or Natural G as Model O nly)
If the length of line required does not exceed 50 feet,
us e a 5/8" O.D. tube. One s ize larger s hould be us ed
for lengths greater than 50 feet.
G a s piping ma y be copper tubing, type K or L ;
polyethylene pla s tic tube, with a minimum wa ll
thicknes s of .062 inch; or s tandard weight (s chedule
40) s teel or wrought iron pipe.
C opper tubing mus t be tin-lined if the gas contains
more than 0.3 grams of hydrogen s ulfide per 100
cubic feet of gas .
P las tic tubing is s uitable only for outdoor, under-
ground us e.
G as piping in contact with earth, or any other mate-
rial which may corrode the piping, mus t be protected
a ga ins t c orros ion in a n a pprov e d ma nne r.
Underground piping mus t have a minimum of 18"
All connections and joints must be thoroughly tested
for leaks in accordance with local codes and all listed
procedures in the la tes t edition of ANS I Z223. 1
G as L ine P iping
Test Connections
Do not us e an open flame to c hec k for gas
leak s . B e s ure there are no s park s or open
flames in the area while y ou c hec k for gas
leak s . T his will res ult in a fire or ex plos ion
whic h c a n c a us e s erious bodily injury or
dea th, a nd da ma ge to property .
Hardware Not
NOTE : Check with local gas company before
installing any gas line.
Содержание Turbo select G5STR
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