3. Enter the new value in the field provided.
4. To push register values to the web server, set Cloud Permissions to read.
If the Cloud Permissions are set to Read, the web server only views data from the device and cannot write data to the
device. If the permissions are set to Write, the web server only writes to the device and cannot read the data. If the
permissions are set to Read/Write, the web server can read the data from the device and write to the device from the web.
5. Click Modify Registers to save and apply the changes.
Define an RTU Read Rule
Follow these steps to create a new read rule.
This example screen shows a read rule created to read six registers (address 1 through 6), from Modbus Slave 4. The results are
stored in the Local Registers 1 through 6.
Figure 5. Read Rules - Configuration Example
1. From the Register Mapping > RTU > RTU Read screen, click Add Read Rule.
2. Click the arrow next to the name to display the parameters.
3. Name your rule.
4. Select the slave ID.
5. Select how many registers to read, and the beginning register.
6. Define the register type, how often to read the register, and any other appropriate parameters.
7. If necessary, select the error condition. For this example, if the read function fails after three attempts, the read rule writes
12345 to the DXM local registers. Notice the list of local register names this read rule is using.
Set the Time
Use the Settings > System screen to define the time zone and daylight saving option. The time zone and DST options are saved
into the configuration file.
Figure 6. Settings > System > Device Time
1. Go to the Settings > System screen.
2. If you connect the DXM to a computer, click Sync PC Time with Device to set the time on the DXM to match the time of the
3. Set your time zone and select whether or not your device observes daylight saving time (DST).
Save and Upload the Configuration File
After making any changes to the configuration, you must save the configuration files to your computer, then upload it to the device.
Changes to the XML file are not automatically saved. Save your configuration file before exiting the tool and before sending the
XML file to the device to avoid losing data. If you select DXM > Send XML Configuration to DXM before saving the configuration
file, the software will prompt you to choose between saving the file or continuing without saving the file.
1. Save the XML configuration file to your hard drive by going to the File > Save As menu.
DXM Controller Quick Start Guide
P/N 191247 Rev. E
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