Chaning the shoulder strap height
Step 1. Adjust the height of the shoulder straps, press the harness adjuster lever and
pull both harness straps forward to create slack.
Step 2. From the back of the seat, unhitch the harness strap from the harness
connector and pull the straps through to the front of the seat. Untie the shoulder pad
connector and pull these through to the front of the seat.
Step3. Then from the front of the seat, pull it through the slot in the seat’s backrest and
fabric cover. Thread the harness strap back through the next hole up or down on the
seat’s backrest.
Step 4. Re-thread the harness strap back onto the harness connector at the back of the
seat. At the same time, re-thread the schoulder pad belt back onto the shoulder pad
connector ath the back of the seat.
Repeat the same process for the other harness strap. Make sure Both of the straps ho
through the slots at the same height and do not become twisted.
Do not use the two top slots in the backrest. These are for the seat belt lock only.