X20 system modules • Other functions • X20CM4810
X20 system User's Manual 3.10
2181 RmsVelRawMin01-04
Asynchronous minimum value of the "RmsVelRaw" characteristic value of the respective channel in thousandths
of a mm/s. See also section "Module registers - Minimum and maximum values" on page 2178 for
additional information.
This value is only calculated if the EnableVelocityCalculation bit (configured in the "SensorConfig01" register) of
the respective channel is set; otherwise, 0 is output. RmsVelRawMax01-04
Asynchronous maximum value of the "RmsVelRaw" characteristic value of the respective channel in thousandths
of a mm/s. See also section "Module registers - Minimum and maximum values" on page 2178 for
additional information.
This value is only calculated if the EnableVelocityCalculation bit (configured in the "SensorConfig01" register) of
the respective channel is set; otherwise, 0 is output. SkewnessRawMax01-04
Asynchronous maximum value of the "SkewnessRaw" characteristic value of the respective channel in thou-
Since division by the RMS value takes place in the module ("RmsRaw"), there may be an overflow if the RMS value
is very small. To prevent this, the module has an internal lower limit of 1 mg for the RMS value.
See also section "Module registers - Minimum and maximum values" on page 2178 for additional in-
formation. SkewnessRawMin01-04
Asynchronous minimum value of the "SkewnessRaw" characteristic value of the respective channel in thousandths.
Since division by the RMS value takes place in the module ("RmsRaw"), there may be an overflow if the RMS value
is very small. To prevent this, the module has an internal lower limit of 1 mg for the RMS value.
See also section "Module registers - Minimum and maximum values" on page 2178 for additional in-
formation. Maximum cycle time
The maximum cycle time defines how far the cycle time of the X2X Link can be increased without causing a
communication error or impaired functionality.
Maximum cycle time
10 ms
Function model 1 - Fast master
10 ms
Function model 2 - Slow master
Function model 254 - Bus controller
Table 765: X20CM4810 - Maximum cycle time Minimum cycle time
The minimum cycle time defines how far the cycle time of the X2X Link can be reduced without causing a commu-
nication error or impaired functionality. It is important to note that very fast cycles leave less idle time for monitoring,
diagnostics and acyclic commands.
Minimum cycle time
400 µs
Function model 1 - Fast master
400 µs
Function model 2 - Slow master
400 µs
Function model 254 - Bus controller
400 µs
Table 766: X20CM4810 - Minimum cycle time