b&o Beocord 1200 Скачать руководство пользователя страница 14

Содержание Beocord 1200


Страница 2: ...931 aEocoRD 1200...

Страница 3: ...coNtENls Inrroducrion lnnallationandConn nons Cont ols R o r d F u n c t i o n s P l a y b k F u n c l i o n s Addnio l lnrorn tio 5 1 2 2A 35 T hn clDab...

Страница 4: ...o boolsheli ot l8ps e rdF rr lley or h 0 i1on a Mll Tho B OCORO 120Ob 6 4 t l 6ord r N ns n nng d v nc6 nd w lo nol r8p ryp6 h vs n made n 9osrbr tobuild 3 4r k cord r with sp citi tions tharprdrooll...

Страница 5: ......

Страница 6: ...a lnbt or s ell rn6lly on r ble or shslt v nielly on a mll r n obliqoe anglo fo insta ce on 3 peri d ls sh6rf For ic lpl nr on 6 r bl6 ih iw pporrinOl lrrhould be rurn d down rds 6 3hown in th skerch...

Страница 7: ...t the walll Th disran bel n rh ropedq of lh B ordro the hol6ls 4 cm l 5 8 in l andrhe8e ord ieh ns n thewall by thecut outsor idd in rhettvos ll l qs M iB TheBEOCOFO1200L nch 6le bet 110 130 220 d Th...

Страница 8: ...fi 6mptifi r equip dwith a DIN sbnd drspsrecod rsket a type 0961014 bl shouldtE usedlor m linq rh connection It yo wbh to i lude r ord ptayerin yourn r 3ynem you witl fandn pr ii l ro on r the pl yer...

Страница 9: ...BEO 4ASTER AEOERAM thenyoudo ol h vsros chon you BEOCOBD t2ooity jun lln 1 ydr n rds th oochrh o k 6ol rh s io lf y wi h ro a th r or whtb you tinm ro m sftn on y a ocord Youdo not h ro shitrrh obtr...

Страница 10: ...iqh iDp dan A TV r lt m v b plwg dinto thit o 11o dino th und How r thisag Bthsr D6 ord r kit h b6 lnnall d ln lh TV Thisst t l3o tc gl n sddirion lr ord plavd hdvlno bul n in p mplili r scn a BEOGHAM...

Страница 11: ...pe n midophonEsmay b pluqo d A monomic ophone p 0d inlorhisscker willop r r on th l tl cha r ks 1 and4 xrt nkr ph cr i A monomicr phon pl gg d inro rhi5 sk i will pe6te o rhorighich nn t ks3 d2 This I...

Страница 12: ...oE with a j k plug should b pluq g din h Headphore imp dan trBy be bet n 1oo and 50O NOI E h l patta tv I ht 1 u hdphotu o low q hW i cbn rh n llJo 5 olft M lun will b tow h lth c c Mtt tohrM pp x 5 n...

Страница 13: ...o ope ateth nplili6ronly wilhout n dlng p rhet p rr6mpon m tunlsm Soth rh on otl burbn 6 d rh PA b non should b dop d Boft bunotu l d by p ir g rh F ag in 69 d a rlo wirh th bunonr you er t rh d6i d t...

Страница 14: ...kj i a d 3 o 4 and 2 or for four mono erdirc Pldrbrrro for l6clins iig al eur AUX or r dio a d Sourd o ar n ic re rdin 6 AU Poshbun n lo autom rl ld t n otdurinsr odtn s Psdrb rttoB for s l tins pbyb...

Страница 15: ...L 6nd R for l ft nd right dDhdr volure ntrol commonto letrandrishr cha nsts AUX B dlo nd So rd on So rd v lun ntrols L lor l tt h l ndF tor rlght ch nmt Ths 3llde knobs6E l t d two a d two ct tog6thd...

Страница 16: ...b t rld rd Pn oarl Pr6ingrhbbuxo willstop ths tap nanspon m h ni5mmonenr8riry Fo liop3 ot 3om durfiion rhe b lton en bel k d by slidi Oir rorho iohr 2 o rn hrtion lq r t nter Tn nt rkioh i3p nr r Fhir...

Страница 17: ...o 2 Both I rld lhd lioht durinO3le ierdlng VU rt rhh dB al Th pointer de fr tioB ol in l l dk r FrtE Godi C b i r msdeat the p por Point r tl oola grollld stry i6id rh bl sl s crorr whh ly brl a a Ei...

Страница 18: ...h ebeenf oded o a olher rape eco d r Th BEOCOFD1200 sequippedwirh photo l lric stodde vic whichwillrel e ihe tapeco lrollewr a dret rn n 1oits siooposilionbolh lr m ormaltoB d t p m no a d ii m t stfo...

Страница 19: ...I lnt ahan r d t n og tl lr and r d tr r 4 In r h ro fid rum lc ti ls aid rd fiel 3 Int h 6 d tum oq e ls nd l rd r 2 SL You m y m6keste eordine i elthErdlrelion on th r p Tr l 1 willb lhe l fich8 ml...

Страница 20: ...e r pe dndreord k 2 Thelorm turhod rire tor eindjng whoreas e ts h to bei rnedovsrs ratriG usingrhe l te method the ts d ot havetubelurn ovor 6lr quen y who mor time b r qukedtor inding A rape lookt l...

Страница 21: ...alreod pl yer depresrhe To sr d rd g depr ther reord boitonswhrlemov g rher p conlrol l r sraiqhr foma d th6wrll the reord lru onsro l k in ther ope stedpo Dns andl pe nsporl wnlb gi Both I Ohl d tore...

Страница 22: ...pnone UX 5dS I L R l I L R t _ l l 1 l 1 ffi 1 r d c o l i i _ t T t i r r ffi lArxl lDLlR _ l t t t t t t L F i F f f i AUX TheAUX plshbuttonsh uldbedepresed ndrhep o qramme eu ce conner d ro the AUX...

Страница 23: ...dinson borh tr ks B Lddq r g F d As o lpmr l rul ya wallope tebo llid knob simult 6lyj rh y B ob d s clor lo etfE ih t you 6n et th6fr tbth inoGodlrion Youon le b l n lh l ti l lrof rh nvo ch n ltwhil...

Страница 24: ...ord controlsmaybeusd ar the sme rime e bli q you ro rir pro r mm t iidl mi ophone rdro o m c o phone AUX whilea rm dinq is in progres __ ru f o Yoo 6n lo ladeo progr mme oot andlad6anolh6 on in whilem...

Страница 25: ...cropho The q a mphore r ml will then be dued in r tu ld wrtl noi n in s Feth ontll y nop lp linq i to ttE micropho th mE yd tum uC th miropho nt the m wlll rh sdmophom slo l b n nu t d REd51 Wtb rtk I...

Страница 26: ...r l9cm s F microphone ordinss you do not haw ro dep6 dd ion To r ord from otherprogramme soure for innanceTV e d or anaddition lreord player depr lheAUx b tton To rad rtro d ng oepB Rord butto a d 4 w...

Страница 27: ...b G d for maki g reordin 6 f oh 6 rd play rconEt d 1 ihs 6dio set ontv 6 rsdio tshoutd be itched lor Or nopho e rux s s L AUX O pB theAUx pushbutron ndadiosryourprosr mme eu TV u d or n ddnio al r rd...

Страница 28: ...l vou rcl g rhe p trol but Th dtd bonon wrll rc r untir trc es onrtot ntq tr G rn d ro ths noo pGnlon A bm l c L d In moN rdim r th AUI bllito m y b Fd for 4te Cdttol ra M l Ntic rs dln9 levsl omrcl n...

Страница 29: ...ovinqthe pe 1 k 3 o 2 ontrol l r nraiqhtfo rd You will nowbeusingrh rishl channel Plugthe hicropho inlo the riqhr h nnel kei Liqh indi tor F will showlight Th right VU Merwill indi terNrding ldel Adju...

Страница 30: ...vol me con olsF simul16n usly F cord Mom Whilelileninq ro a sr r programme an FM ne b o d n Stffi Protmm or s ord throughyou BEOMASTEB d BEOVOX speak4 you 6 il y wish r ord rhe proqr hd ara mono wrdin...

Страница 31: ...utplt smplifi r playb ck through3 p nof SEOVOXsp ksrs llw ys h ro be hdde throoshyourBEOMASTEFr di ora hi fi mplifi r D p6 th TAPEbolton of the r dioet Adjustvolumo b s ndrebl rh r dio s t PLyb d H dF...

Страница 32: ...dwhenm insplavbek volomdj nmnc L r B l Whh bo h tl L ai bunoN reles d bo r ks will b h d T ds Contbi r d codbin d throuoh borh s kdt and rhrough boih stioB ol ttE h6 lph a 316 program will snd Don PL...

Страница 33: ...w h borh rhe L ndF buttonsrele ed two mo oprosrahmos willbecofrbi ed andh rd throughboih sF ke drhrough bolh rions ot rheheidohon6 Whileyo ar r o dingon tap you n lin n in on th he d pho 6 to moniro y...

Страница 34: ...d lrt The mido hon m y mr onty be u d tor r ordinsE you may Pb r a 9 e il10 ant odu coh nrs wnib pl yirB b k tap The m s you m k id rhismy will not b reod d on rhelap D O when urins a rlor6o mic opho...

Страница 35: ...Pl yb k tEk 3 or 2 pt yb k d utton R microphono plus sed into ht h DirEpfto dlje ttub F NOTE B c rs ot thir l dt E h h n ry to turn mlcropho rBrlkb rnotn Lfid B downto 0 wh6nyoudo not w6ntto us l5 i...

Страница 36: ...uhont3l in 2 3 or4 p n hamonv wilh vourelf You 1 nster re djngt on o r k to noth r whitesimut ll r rly sddino o mo rdrding Sound on Sound reo ditE3 6n only b madeo frono b caue borhrhe lert ndriohrcha...

Страница 37: ...e tap con olle r str lOhr fotu6 d l l L renin on hosdphoG rc th r you n lollo rh ltr ps4 adjusri glitr6nin0voluft wnh rhopropo slid knob adiui rhe l l rwhich rheri n n i3b ino ord d wirh s on S 3lad k...

Страница 38: ...intemirinqr b l n lhem m6yform nof So ndon So nd prcgramme p ovided rhoy 3 no pro r mm 5 8y proedinO aderib6d bo you n Eord any d6lrd umberol p n5 but thequ6lity ot rhotitul r 5uh d p n on theq 6lity...

Страница 39: ...o de rollosl Fict hrk nv lion l mono o dingon 1r k t sp ch m6ic or inrermixing ol3 mber ol eund eores d ribd boveu d r B ord MonoTr k 1 R ind rhellp ro wh e you b g n r rdinq nd plug nono micropho int...

Страница 40: ...shoulddep6 boih theonlotf itch nd e PA butto With rhe L andF playb kbulroG you deido if Vouw nt st production mono L monoB or borhch n615 mbl ed Microohonesli ob ndF mrol rho louds k8rvolume whe6 e o...

Страница 41: ...pt yb k d plusatyps0961014 bts i rolh r diosker on o bot rom pbre of rbe ta rder Pluglh oppolneptugof thec bte inro theAUX socketof your BEOCOBOl2 No 2 on whichyo h vepta drh ns raF Olhe ae pro ed d r...

Страница 42: ...lh6r thevonly jusl to ch 6ch other Pla lh dh ivetap ue onlv s cialpu poe splrcrng tapelon rheb k b isht3rdelof ther ord nglap parailelwrth thecur andpr n efully inio pl e careshouldb lakenin removing...

Страница 43: ...thoutd t bo uted Femove lilr pl rherap head covef dtp marchw rn somscol ronwoorwrapp darou dit in cte ingtiquidandr b rtagainn thef onlsol both ia heads Do nol rarch rhelronrsot rheheads th r tore av...

Страница 44: ...rlg Ma6op om 50 2 ohrc aOpVl100O 2 Inplts ld trc ho mac ophoiG or n m ho _ tudioi 471ohG 4 mV 10 2 AUx 470 k ohms 80 mV 10 H O tFrlr H dpho i lmohtu Fsdao t vohar2s hms I PE IRANSFOF a lir s d 9 5 19c...

Страница 45: ...0 9 5cm s 40 16 000 Hz DlN45 5001 Oittonbn 5 o rr o wnh VU hete at O Sh rcDb Rtior 65 da DlN 45 500 4 2 5 50da orN 45 500 4 2 6 C 6t l Mono 65 dB 611000H2 Sle 4sda l 1O0O Hz 70dB S M CO DUCIOnS 3lr ad...

Страница 46: ......
