E T T E R !
BKcSuite Setup
Code-set Description and Overview
B&K uses discrete code-sets for command and control of all of its audio/video zones. Code-sets range from
code 0-0-0 (zero zero zero) to 1-2-8. This is the same practice that satellite manufacturers use so that one
remote controller could control three identical satellites. The satellites are first set (via switches or on-screen
menus) to be either an A, B or C satellite. When the remote control is set to IN 1 only IN 1 responds and so on.
In the advanced setup menu of the HD6, code-sets are assigned to control each zone. B&K applies this theory
to each of its zones. Once codes have been assigned, functions like selecting video IN 2 in Junior's room from
the Kitchen keypad is possible. Code-sets may also be used to control a group of zones (such as upstairs or
party modes) or control the whole house (all zones) using code-set 0-0-0.
Code-set 1-2-8 is a special case for use with IR data commands sent directly into a CT Receiver’s IR data in
(keypad) port. The HD6 must be linked to a CT Receiver to use this feature. The CT Receiver monitors which
of the six available Zone IR Data ports that the IR command was received in. The CT Receiver will only process
a code-set 1-2-8 command in the hardware zone that it was received in. Thus, when a keypad or IR controller
is connected to a hardware Zone (A-F) all devices may be programmed identically using code-set 1-2-8 and
control only the hardware zone it is connected to. However, a more powerful and versatile install may be realized
by utilizing other discrete code-sets to enable any keypad to control any zone, any group of zones or the whole
house. Note any front panel code-set 1-2-8 commands received will be ignored and not processed. By design
the intent of a code-set 1-2-8 is to allow a B&K device to very easily be controlled by an external IR data
controller connected to a Zone input port and control only the directly connected zone.
B&K created 128 different sets of the same CT Receiver commands. These commands also work with other
B&K products assigned to the same code-set.
Each code-set differs from the next only in the initial IR code-set identification or prefix, i.e. 11 - Power On. This
allows a way for any hardware zone set to use code-set 11 to be Powered On independent from which zone
received the code-set 11 Power On command. Thus, any zone may control any other zone (or group of zones)
by programming a remote control or a keypad with the appropriate set or sets of codes from the following
Code-set 000
Controls ALL zones simultaneously. (Multi Zone and Home Theater)
Code-set 001-127
May be utilized for use with groups or independent zone operation. (Discrete)
Code-set 128
Controls only the hard-wired IR Data Input zone receiving the command.
Code-set 999
For use with a special set of ‘B&K ALL’ commands (Multi Zone and Home Theater)