Airplane Manual FK 9
B&F Technik Vertriebs GmbH
Revision 1
Weight & Balance
page 6-1
Weight and Balance
To achieve the mentioned performance data and flying abilities, the aircraft
must be operated within certified weight and balance limits. Although the
aircraft has a wide range for weight and balance, it is not possible to fly with
full baggage load, full fuel and 2 heavy pilots at the same time.
Wrong loading has consequences for every airplane:
an aircraft exceeding weight limits will need longer takeoff- and landing
distances, climb performance will be decreased and stall speed increased.
A wrong center of gravity will change the flying abilities. A forward C.G. may
cause problems during rotation, takeoff and landing. An aft C.G. may cause
instability, inadvertent stall or even spin.
The pilot in command must assure prior to each takeoff, that the aircraft is
operated within the certified weight and balance limits.
Basic Empty Weight
Prior to delivery, each aircraft has been weighted with fuselage level,
(reference line see drawing below), including oil and coolant, as well as
equipment as indicated but no fuel (except un-drainable fuel). During this
procedure the respective arms are determined as well.
By using the following formula, the C.G. is computed. Reference line (datum)
for all arms is the leading edge of the wing. All these data are transferred to
the Basic Empty Weight and Balance Form (Wägebericht). This
“Wägebericht” contains a list of equipment installed and is part of this
All changes to the airplane affecting weight and balance (installation of new
equipment etc.) require a new weighing.