Manual Documentation Number: Zlinx485m-1808
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Appendix D of this manual contains a list of Modbus I/O assignments for the Zlinx 485.
Zlinx 485 Modes of Operation
Zlinx 485 systems can operate in Peer-to-Peer or Modbus modes.
Peer-to-Peer Mode
In Peer-to-Peer mode two Zlinx 485 systems provide full serial I/O functionality. In this
mode one Base is configured as the master and the other as the slave. (It does not matter
which end of the link is the master and which is the slave.) Both Base Modules must be
the same model. Analog and digital input signals connected to AI’s and DI’s on one
module appear on the corresponding AO’s and DO’s on the other module. Any
Expansion modules included in a Peer-to-Peer system must be chosen to be
complimentary. For example, if expansion module 1 on one end of the link is a ZZ-4AI
(4 analog inputs), expansion module 1 on the other end of the link must be a ZZ-4AO (4
analog outputs.
Figure 22.
Peer to Peer Mode
Modbus Mode
In Modbus mode standard Modbus messages can be sent and received between a Modbus
Base Module and a Zlinx 485 system. Data written to output addresses in the Zlinx 485
results in signals appearing on its outputs. Signals connected to Zlinx 485 inputs are
converted and stored in Modbus input memory locations and then sent across the link as
Modbus messages to the Modbus Base Module.