PPIO2899 Manual
B&B Electronics Mfg Co Inc – 707 Dayton Rd - PO Box 1040 - Ottawa IL 61350 - Ph 815-433-5100 - Fax 815-433-5104
The PPIO allows you to connect your IBM PC (or clone)
computer to the outside world using the computer’s parallel port.
The eight I/O points can be used as either inputs or outputs. As an
output they can control voltages as high as 50 Volts DC and can
handle currents as high as 500 mA DC. As an input they can handle
voltages from 0 to 50 volts with a threshold of 2.5 Volts DC.
CAUTION: Each output of the PPIO can dissipate 1 Watt when
used alone, however, all eight outputs together cannot
dissipate more than 2.25 Watts.
The PPIO connects to the parallel port of your computer and
uses most of the available pins on that port. You MUST use a cable
that connects pins 1 through 17 of the DB-25 connector to the PPIO
for it to work properly. To be safe you should use a cable that
connects all 25 pins from connector to connector.
The PPIO can only be used with parallel ports that are in
“compatible” or “normal” mode. It will not function properly with
parallel ports in ECP or EPP modes. The mode of the parallel port
can be changed in the BIOS setup by pressing either the F2 key or
DEL key just after the computer begins the boot procedure.
The PPIO comes with sample DOS programs written in
GWBASIC, QuickBASIC, Pascal, and C. These sample programs
can be used "as is" to test the PPIO and to control and display the
status of its I/O pins. Parts of these programs can be used in other
programs to make it easier to interface to the PPIO. Also, by
studying these programs a programmer can learn how to write code
in any language to do a similar job.