Picture 1
T h e c a lc u la to rs designed for 12-bit, is not handling of
rounding fo r ths result;
M aking th e calculating, if the d a te is beyond 1 2 -b it,
it’ s handing error, please press ON/AC key to reset;
Percent (% ) function: e q u iva le n t to the result m ultiply
100 in th e division, and equivalent to the result devided
by 100 in the m ultiplication; such asX + Y% is equivalent
toX + (X * Y )% in the addition; Such as X-Y% is equivalent
to X -(X *Y )% in subtraction;
The calculator is power off automatically when there is no
operation for 12 minutes, and to put into a state of sleep;
you can press ON/AC, it will be wake up.
When the negative number is beyond 12 bits, the negative
sign w ill not display.