4. To install, slide the footbar box from under the frame and
remove the footbar. Take the footbar to the foot-end of the
Reformer. Orient the curved surfaces of the footbar’s metal
plates so they face away from the Reformer as shown in
Figure D.
5. Lay the footbar down and maneuver the footbar to get the
brackets on the footbar positioned under the Reformer
frame as shown in Figure F. Standing at the foot-end of the
Reformer, stand the footbar upright as shown in Figure F.
Again, make sure the locking pins are hanging freely.
6. Note the adhesive strip on each side of the frame. Step into
the foot-end of the Reformer behind the footbar and lift the
footbar up so that the metal plates are tucked inside the frame
rails. Carefully move it toward the head-end of the Reformer
until it reaches the first edge of the adhesive markers (refer to
Figure F).
NOTE: it is possible that the footbar may “catch” inside the rails
as you are moving forward. Shifting the footbar from side to side
(not up and down) will free it.
Figure G shows a cut-away view with the side of the footbar and
Reformer rail removed so you can see what’s actually going on
inside the frame rail during this step. Once you get to the
adhesive markers lower the footbar down into the footbar sliding
mechanism as shown (do not angle).
7. If you have properly engaged the footbar it should be able to
lean back toward the foot-end of the frame at about a 45
degree angle and you should be able to see the threaded
hole* through the slot. See Figure H. Insert the locking pin on
one side of the frame into “locking” position as shown in
Figure H. TIP: You will have to tilt the footbar up slightly to get
the pin holes in the plates and sliding mechanism aligned.
Note: Once the pin is in the locked position, the next steps are
made easier if the head end of the Reformer is raised up onto a
stable object.
Figure D
Figure E
Figure F
Move the footbar to the edge of
the adhesive marker.
Locking pin hangs freely.
Figure G
Original locking
pin storage
Locking pin in
“locked” position.
Figure H
Indicator tab
6th position from the foot end